Michael Triplett


Dr. Michael Triplett is co-founder, President, and CEO of Armatus Bio, LLC, a diversified, multi-asset gene and cell therapy company and co-Founder, President, and interim CEO of Clarametyx Biosciences, Inc., a startup infectious disease company pursuing novel therapeutics and vaccines for the treatment and prevention of biofilm-related bacterial infections. Dr. Triplett is a President of Carmen Partners LLC, a life science ventures, commercialization and innovation consultancy. Dr. Triplett co-founded and served as President and CEO of Myonexus Therapeutics, a clinical stage gene therapy company developing first-ever treatments for limb-girdle muscular dystrophies, which was acquired for more than $225 million in April 2019.  

Excelling at the interfaces of business and innovation, Dr. Triplett is passionate about translating world-class science and technology into transformative businesses, products and capabilities that enhance human health, American competitiveness, and economic opportunity. Dr. Triplett focuses on life sciences technology ventures, innovation, technology-based economic development, and science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education. Dr. Triplett received his B.S. in Chemical Engineering (summa cum laude) and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from The Ohio State University as a United States Department of Defense National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellow.

Head shot of Mike Triplett in suit with gray background