Commercial Success

Since the program launch in 2015, the Accelerator Awards has distributed over $5 million dollars to 69 unique projects. These projects have led over 20 startup companies.
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Basking Biosciences Inc.

Primary industry: Therapeutics, Drug Delivery & Biotechnology 
License fiscal year: 2021 
Ohio State primary inventor(s): Shahid Nimjee 
College: Medicine 
Department: Neurological Surgery 
Description: Ischemic stroke, a condition where a clot blocks blood flow to the brain, affects approximately 700,000 people annually in the U.S. Ischemic strokes result 140,000 deaths each year and are a leading cause of long-term disability. Rapid restoration of blood flow to the brain is the only medical intervention proven to improve outcomes but only approximately 15-20% of patients qualify for either of the two FDA approved treatments. Basking Biosciences is developing a drug to dissolve the clot and a matched reversal agent to neutralize the drug if a patient shows signs of bleeding. Bleeding risk has limited the usage of the current FDA approved therapy in ischemic stroke patients. Basking’s reversible therapy has the potential to significantly expand the number of patients who can benefit from early therapy to restore blood flow to the brain.

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DAtAnchor Inc.

Primary industry: Software & Information Technology 
License fiscal year: 2019 
Ohio State primary inventor(s): Emre Koksal 
College: Engineering 
Department: Electrical & Computer Engineering 
Description: DAtAnchor is a novel crypto-technology that provides seamless and easy to use, encryption, automated data governance, and dynamic access control and revocation capabilities. These features enable businesses to protect their sensitive data, even when it may be exfiltrated. DAtAnchor is a universal solution, protecting all data types, along with any application used to secure it. It is very easy to set up, and DAtAnchor seamlessly integrates with existing cloud-based security solutions and distributed storage systems. DAtAnchor substantially reduces the overhead associated with data security compliance requirements.

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Agile Ultrasonics Corporation

Primary industry: Advanced Materials 
License fiscal year: 2020 
Ohio State primary inventor(s): Avraham Benatar 
College: Engineering 
Department: Materials Science & Engineering 
Description:  Agile Ultrasonics is focused on enabling advancements in advanced material applications while replacing existing composite manufacturing processes. Several problems exist with established industry best practices. One challenge is air becoming trapped between layers of composites as they are formed. This causes critical components in armor, aerospace and automotive to be overbuilt to compensate, making them heavier and more expensive than necessary. Agile Ultrasonics eliminates 99.9% of all air pockets during the layup process.

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Accentus Health Inc.

Primary industry: Healthcare IT 
License fiscal year: 2021 
Ohio State primary inventor(s): Kenneth Yeager 
College: College of Medicine 
Department: Psychiatry 
Description:  At Accentus Health, we combat the perils of trauma on mental health through evidence-based approaches, delivered to the palm of your hand. We offer mobile apps that provide education, self-support exercises, assessments, and other resources to help first responders, physicians, nurses, addicts, clinicians, and others cope with stress, trauma, and emotional burnout. Our services are built upon extensive research in trauma support conducted at The Ohio State University by Dr. Ken Yeager.

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MIPAR Software LLC

Primary industry: Software & Information Technology 
License fiscal year: 2017 
Ohio State primary inventor(s): John Sosa; Hamish Fraser 
College: Engineering 
Department: Materials Science Engineering 
Description:  MIPAR is a comprehensive image analysis software capable of identifying and accurately measuring features from nearly any image. MIPAR’s user-friendly interface allows for the creation of customizable and non-destructive “recipes” to enable users to create application-specific and efficient image processing workflows. The software has widespread applications including materials science, life science, particle analysis, earth science, face detection and aerial photography.

Accelerator Awards