Ohio State students awarded first place at national science conference

Two Ohio State University students received first place awards at the 2023 Emerging Research National Conference in Washington, D.C. The event was hosted by the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the National Science Foundation (NSF). 

Ali Ibrahim, a sophomore who is studying Electrical and Computer Engineering, was awarded First Place Undergraduate Poster, Engineering and Technology.  Raima Puri, a senior who is studying Biomedical Engineering, received First Place Undergraduate Presentation, NSF Research Experience and Mentoring Meeting. Bilan Yakoub, junior in neuroscience, attended the conference as well. The students who represented Ohio State are in the Student Experiences in Entrepreneurial Development (SEED) program, which is a collaboration between the Keenan Center for Entrepreneurship, the College of Engineering and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion. 

Ali Ibrahim

Ibrahim’s research, in the Wearable and Implantable Technologies Group of Prof. Asimina Kiourti, focused on wearable technology for monitoring post-ACL reconstruction kinematics. Kinematics is a subfield of physics that describes the motion of objects without reference to the forces which cause the motion. His research included the development of a sensor that can measure knee flexion throughout the day. The data gathered from this technology could assist medical professionals in determining how well a patient is healing from an ACL injury. 

“I feel like this taught me the valuable skills and mindsets I need to thrive in STEM,” Ibrahim said. “It opened a world I never thought I’d be in.”

Puri’s research, in the Lab for Biomimetic Polymeric Biomaterials of Prof. Katelyn Swindle-Reilly,  concentrated on polymer substrates to prevent posterior capsular opacification (PCO), which is one of the most common complications that can occur following a cataract extraction.  PCO can lead to increasingly cloudy vision over time. Puri observed how changing the properties of the implantations that are used to treat cataracts can prevent PCO after surgery. 

Raima Puri

“Cataracts are one of the leading causes of blindness,” Puri said. “Having a program where I am really supported and made me feel like I am capable was really nice.” 

The SEED program started in 2021. It is funded by an NSF Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation (EFRI) Research Experience and Mentoring (REM) supplement. Students in the program participate in a 10-week research intensive summer internship and additional entrepreneurial learning activities throughout the academic year.

“The program affords access to underrepresented students while demystifying laboratory research, technology development, and the commercial potential of their research,” said Robert Decatur, director of the Morrill Scholarship Program in the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.

The internships took place in five labs at Ohio State, one lab at The University of Pennsylvania, and one lab at Duke University. Carlos Castro, professor of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering served as the PI on the NEFRI grant.

“It has been great to provide an opportunity to students who deserve it,” Castro said. “A lot of people provided opportunities for me. I think we have a duty to give students pathways.”

More than 1200 students and researchers attended the Emerging Research National Conference.  Caroline Crisafulli , director of Entrepreneurial Education at the Keenan Center for Entrepreneurship, said all three of the Ohio State students who attended are outstanding representatives of Ohio State and the SEED program. 

“I am super proud of these students,” Crisafulli said.  “They represented Ohio State with tremendous poise and professionalism.”

Editor's Note: Effective Feb. 28, 2025, the university’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion has been sunset, along with some of its services. Additional details are available on Ohio State News.